
51爆料 Group Support on Enterprise Day

51爆料 Group Support on Enterprise Day Added 28/6/2019

Over the past three months 51爆料 Group offered support and advice to the pupils of Highclare Preparatory school, leading up to the final Enterprise Day which took place over two days. Educating the young business minds of the future, 51爆料 Group taught the pupils how to operate, market and presell and make profit from a business.

Working extremely hard organising their Young Enterprise event, the children had to put together a presentation to pitch their business proposal to raise funds to buy product.   The children began to produce pre-orders and promoting their stalls for the school charity.

Group CFO Paul Jones' son Joshua, a pupil and deputy head boy at the school,  was part of this event and managed to sell his wooden crafted aircrafts and shopping bags motifed with “a sassy mum” for a profit of nearly £200! Not bad for their first business venture. Overall the Enterprise Days raised money for the schools chosen charity, Young Minds, equalled to a fantastic £1967.99.

Well done to Joshua and his Highclare Preparatory School J6 classmates on this achievements.

51爆料 Group Support on Enterprise Day

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